Core Values
12 Pillars for Kingdom Ministry
As we strive to become a more central and highly integrated ministry, we must have more and more capable believers operating in the Five-Fold-Ministry. “Greater Dimensions Apostolic Prophetic Covenant Fellowship” believes in developing every believer for purposeful ministry.
- The winning of lost souls and their translation from the bondage of darkness into the Kingdom of God.
- Inspiring all believers to embrace soul winning as the dominant responsibility of the Body of Christ and its highest priority in Kingdom ministry.
- Cultivating within all believers an ever increasing burden for the lost and an all-consuming desire to see souls saved.
- Engaging all believers in a deliberate, consistent, sustained and strategic effort of evangelism through effective personal and corporate witnessing as well as street crusades and door to door outreach.
- Preaching God’s plan of redemption by the blood of Christ, through faith in Him, and His death, burial, and resurrection, and by obedience to His command in repentance, water baptism in the Name of The Father, Son & Holy Ghost, and the infilling and the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
- Proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom by any means or method possible and via any mechanism available in order to save those who are lost.
- Providing holistic ministry to the whole man.
- Reaching beyond the physical perimeters of the church with a heart of compassion to serve and uplift any and all others.
- Giving hope and love to those with physical, material, spiritual and emotional needs.
- Providing a comprehensive program of food, clothing shelter, and monetary assistance to the poor, parentless, and widows as commanded by scripture.
- Demonstrating the love and grace of God to those in situations of distress.
- Establishing believers in the faith through the preaching and teaching of God’s word in its fullness.
- Creating an atmosphere within which the Word of God, and the preaching, teaching and studying of it, is held forth as the preeminent and paramount attribute of the church and its ministry; ensuring that it is the central core and focus of all the church’s beliefs and practices.
- Developing mature, successful and victorious believers through an intensive and extensive program of study in the scriptures.
- Encouraging and enabling all believers to become diligent, committed and consistent students of the Word of God in their personal and individual study habits.
- Equipping new believers with the tools needed to grow into the fullness of Christ and nurturing them in the Word of God as they develop in their walk with him.
- Assisting all believers in understanding and fulfilling their divine destiny and purpose in the Kingdom of God as Kingdom Citizens.
- Empowering those chosen for spiritual leadership and ministry to Maximize their full potential as servants of the Lord and how to operate/function in the gifts and callings placed upon their lives.
- Providing a consistent and systematic course of instruction in the essential doctrines, and ordinances of the church.
- Sustained, effective and fervent ministry of prevailing prayer on behalf of those who need the Lord’s intervention.
- Regular seasons of sacrifice and travailing trough fasting, prayer and consecration, to pull down the strongholds of the enemy and to wrought deliverance for captives held in bondage.
- The fostering of a profound hunger in every believer for greater intimacy with God though the glory of His presence in prayer.
- Exercising the power of prayer and faith in God’s Word to impact the world and to change the course of nations.
- Spirit-permeated, Spirit-saturated, Spirit-directed and Spirit-approved corporate worship experiences that opens for the worshipper a gateway into the Shekinah glory of God and that leaves the worshipper drenched and soaked in His all powerful presence, spiritually inebriated, profoundly changed, never again to be the same.
- Explosions of rapturous praise and exultation that translates the worshiper beyond the veil of the flesh into the very throne room of God.
- The fostering of a personal lifestyle of worship that transforms the believer into the likeness of Christ.
- Preaching, promoting, prating and professing the necessity of the infilling of the Holy Ghost while teaching the importance speaking in other tongues as GOD gives the individual utterance.
- Creating and sustaining an atmosphere where the supernatural power of the Holy Ghost is made manifest in divine healing, deliverance, signs, miracles and wonders to the glory of God and in the mighty and majestic Name of Jesus.
- The full and unimpeded operation of the gifts of the Spirit as regulated by scripture, and as evidenced in the primitive New Testament church.
- Rendering all acts of worship and ministry only at the unction of and under the anointing of the Holy Ghost.
- The fostering of an environment of faith and an atmosphere of expectation within which nothing is impossible but where all things are made possible by the power of God.
- Espousing the absolute essentiality for every believer’s lifestyle to be consecrated unto God in sanctification and biblical holiness, totally separated from the world, its ways, its values and its system.
- Advocating the setting apart of our collective and individual physical temples in purity and cleanness as holy vessels reserved for gods use and habitation.
- Preaching, practicing, and professing godliness and righteousness as God’s required standard of living, to be evidenced in the motives, intentions, thoughts, character, words, deeds and appearance of all believers, NOT in traditionalism.
- Expecting every believer to walk in complete submission and total subjection to the revealed will of God as established in His Word, and to follow the leading and direction of His Holy Spirit as confirmed by His Word.
- Expecting total commitment and dedication to the church’s vision, mission, and purpose.
- Expecting submission and adherence to biblical order and governance.
- Expecting and enforcing compliance with the church’s ordinances, regulations, and standards.
- Expecting regular and consistent church attendance with participation.
- Requiring loyal and submitted obedience to pastoral leadership and to those whom the pastor identifies as a part of the church’s leadership structure.
- Promoting and maintaining a bond of love, unity, and peace among all believers.
- Creating and maintaining an atmosphere of forgiveness, truthfulness, and forbearance among all believers.
- Fostering and maintaining an atmosphere of harmony, trustworthiness, understanding, and godly communication among all believers; free of divisiveness, contention, strife, and rancor.
- Creating a sense of collective responsibility, corporate conviction, and common purpose among all believers.
- Providing opportunities for all believers to assemble together with a singleness of heart and oneness of mind for worship, ministry, and enrichment.
- Creating settings where believers who share certain commonalities, interests, and abilities can gather together in a mutually supportive environment for spiritual collaboration and cooperative ministry.
- Declaring and affirming the biblically ordained roles and distinctions of the male and female gender as established by God since creation.
- Teaching the purpose of human sexuality as defined in God’s Word, and maintain the scriptural standard of wholesome sexual fulfillment in holy matrimony.
- Providing ministry which affirms protects nurtures and strengthens the home and family.
- Creating and maintaining an environment which promotes harmony and wholeness within the family structure.
- Engaging in collective ministry that addresses the specific and unique needs and characteristics of men, women and youth as distinct groups; providing ministry that targets each group at all age levels, and equips them to participate in kingdom ministry.
- Providing biblical instruction, guidance and nurturing with regard to the adult single lifestyle, dating, courtship and pre-marital relationships; assisting those who desire the gift of marriage and family life in becoming prepared and equipped to fulfill the responsibility thereof.
- Engaging in ministry which affirms, strengthens, develops and promotes the institution of holy matrimony.
- Creating and maintaining an environment which engenders trusting, loving, successful and enduring marriages.
- Engaging in ministry which assists each family member in understanding and fulfilling his or her divinely designed role and relationship to each other as Husband/Father, Wife/Mother and Children/Siblings.
- Engaging in ministry which aides in strengthening, nurturing and emotional healing of those experiencing post-marital life (widowers, widows and divorcees).
- Promoting and expecting adherence to God’s financial system for the support of the church and its ministries in tithes and offerings.
- Assisting every believer in understanding, accepting, and complying with the imperative of being a faithful and consistent giver and tither.
- Assisting every believer in understanding the purpose and blessedness of giving as an act of worshiping God.
- Teaching ever believer how to be a good steward of God’s possessions and a recipient of is blessing and provision through regular and consistent giving.
- Assisting every believer in how understanding and practicing the biblical principle of sowing and reaping; and the importance of investing financially and materially in Kingdom ministry.
- Creating an atmosphere where believers can hear and willingly obey the voice of God regarding their giving.
- Providing opportunities for believers to express their gratitude and appreciation to God and His servants by giving at levels exceeding the expected.
- Providing opportunities for believers to demonstrate their faith by giving beyond normal and established levels.
- To sow, collectively as a church, into other churches and ministries as God directs.
- To teach a believer that tithes is more that giving 10% of their increase in the form of money. A believer could tithe 10% of their harvest or livestock instead of money.
- Embracing and advancing a vision that seeks to provide ministry to all mankind, regardless of race, ethnicity, culture or social distinctions.
- Creating an environment that affirms all cultures and/or nationalities, and provides for all who assemble together in God’s house a place of acceptance and equality, free of racial bigotry and ethnic strife.
- Embracing and advancing a vision that seeks to impact the local community where the church and its membership is located, as well as the city at-large; creating and maintaining ministry which focuses on, responds to, and meets the needs of the greater metropolitan area.
- Embracing and advancing a vision that seeks to impact the nation and to provide ministry on a national level; addressing issues that affect the Body of Christ nationally.
Embracing and advancing a world-wide vision that seeds to reach beyond national borders and engage in international ministry. - Creating an atmosphere that fosters and awareness in all believers of the global Body of Christ, and instills in all believers importance of Kingdom Apostolic connecting with other ministries all over the world.
- Providing regular and sustained financial and material support to foreign missions, ministries serving in foreign fields and church planting in other countries.